नागरिक निर्माण सुरक्षा झंडे

Tough, high-vis flags to keep your fleet safe on construction sites.

Each civil construction flag assembly comes with a pole, safety flag, and base

Built to give your light vehicles high visibility around construction, roadworks and project sites

Poles constructed with durable fibreglass and at different sizes
(2m / 2.4m /  2.5m / 3m)
or custom length

Choose the flag type and colour you wish to use (orange or yellow)


Civil construction flags give your light vehicles the extra visibility to navigate these sites safely.

Each of our flags manufactured and assembled come with a long, flexible fibreglass pole wrapped in PVC tubing to prevent splinters. Each pole is topped with a reflective flag and a high-quality base that lets you fix the flag to any vehicle within a minute or two. Once attached, the flag will help keep your vehicle visible in almost any weather or environmental condition. Plus, we make sure all our flags meet rigorous standards, so you can be confident they’ll keep doing their job for months and years on end.

Equip your vehicles with civil construction flags that make them stand out amongst the activity of any construction or roadworks project your fleet’s a part of. Browse our range below or get in touch if you have any questions.

Safety flag poles are made flexible, so at higher speeds will bend and whip. However, to avoid damage to the vehicle or pole, do not drive at speeds faster than 60km/hr when the pole is attached.